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Social Studies for CSEC® Examinations 3ed Student's Book BY J. Fisher, I. Waterman
Social Studies for CSEC® Examinations (3rd Edition) has been completely restructured, revised and updated in line with CXC® syllabus requirements...
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Caribbean Social Studies for CSEC Examinations BY Cresser, Gumbs, Lord, Morrissey
Equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their CSEC (R) examination with a book and website...
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Social Studies for the Caribbean, CSEC Core Units and Options BY Rohlehr, Seepersad, Bleddoe, Bernard
Fully meets the requirements of the latest CSEC (R) syllabus- Complete coverage of the core options, plus the options in...
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Social Studies for CSEC® Examinations BY L. Carman
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Social Studies for CSEC® Examinations is a brand new course book for students studying towards their CSEC® examinations. The text provides...