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Maths Matters Student's Book 2 BY R. Solomon, G. Buckwell
Maths Matters is a comprehensive four-level series for Caribbean students, which provides a thorough preparation for lower secondary and CSEC®....
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Maths Matters Student's Book 1 BY R. Solomon, G. Buckwell
Maths Matters is a comprehensive four-level series for Caribbean students, which provides a thorough preparation for lower secondary and CSEC®....
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Bright Sparks, 2ed Student's Book Kindergarten A BY L. Sealy, S. Moore
Bright Sparks, Second Edition is an exciting mathematics course offering varied activities to keep students motivated. Young children learn Mathematics...
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Nelson Primary Maths for Caribbean Schools Junior Book 2, 2ed, Furlonge, Errol Anthony
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This new edition provides children with a thorough grounding in the basic mathematical skills needed both in school and in...
Nelson Primary Maths for Caribbean Schools Infant Book A, 2ed, Furlonge, Errol Anthony
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Nelson Primary Maths for Caribbean Schools is specially written for school pupils in the Caribbean region. This new edition provides...
Nelson Primary Maths for Caribbean Schools Junior Book 3, 2ed, Furlonge, Errol Anthony; Clarke, Peter
This new edition provides children with a thorough grounding in the basic mathematical skills needed both in school and in...
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Nelson Primary Maths for Caribbean Schools Junior Book 1, 2ed, BY Furlonge, Errol
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This new edition provides children with a thorough grounding in the basic mathematical skills needed both in school and in...
How To Teach Mathematics for Mastery, Drury, Helen
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How To Teach Mathematics For Mastery is a research-informed guide to the key principles of the mastery approach. It summarises...
Nelson Primary Maths for Caribbean Schools Infant Book B, 2ed BY Furlonge, Errol Anthony; Education Service Providers Inter
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This new edition provides children with a thorough grounding in the basic mathematical skills needed both in school and in...
Nelson Primary Maths for Caribbean Schools Junior Book 4 and 5, 2ed, Furlonge, Errol Anthony, Clarke, Peter
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This edition provides children with a thorough grounding in the basic mathematical skills needed both in school and in everyday...
Foundation Mathematics Infant Book 2 BY L. Van Druten
Foundation Mathematics Infant Book 2 is the second workbook in a four-book series. This series cover the Mathematics curriculum for...
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