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Accident and Emergency X-Rays Made Easy International Edition, BY J. Begg
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This highly illustrated volume in the successful Made Easy series is designed for the many junior doctors who rotate through casualty departments....
Abdominal X-Rays Made Easy, International Edition, 2ed BY J. Begg
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This lively and entertaining manual on how to interpret abdominal radiographs will be invaluable to all medical students and junior...
The ECG Made Practical, International Edition, 7ed BY J. Hampton, Adlam
The ECG Made Practical is a clinically-orientated book, showing how the electrocardiogram can help in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with symptoms...
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Fitzgerald's Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience, 7ed, E. Mtui, G. Gruener, P. Dockery
Utilizing clear text and explanatory artwork to make clinical neuroanatomy and neuroscience as accessible as possible, this newly updated edition expertly integrates clinical neuroanatomy...
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Echo Made Easy International Edition, 3ed BY S. Kaddoura
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Echocardiography (echo), the use of ultrasound to examine the heart, is a powerful and safe technique which is now widely...
1000 Q&A from Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine, 2ed BY Kumar, Clarke
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What causes hypertension in children?• Is it common for epileptic patients to have post-ictal vomiting? If so, how often does...
Abrahams' and McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy, 8ed BY Abrahams, Spratt
Abrahams' and McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy, 8th Edition delivers the straightforward visual guidance you need to perform confidently in all...
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Hutchison's Clinical Methods International Edition, 24ed BY Dr. M. Glynn, Prof. W.M. Drake
Hutchison’s Clinical Methods, first published more than a century ago, is the classic textbook on clinical skills. It provides an...
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