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Longman Caribbean Geography, The Caribbean and Beyond BY Wilson, Ottley
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Pave the way for CSEC (R) studies and provide a firm grounding in geography by developing geographical skills and knowledge...
Viva Student Book 2 with Audio CD BY Bedoor Maharaj, Sylvia Kublalsingh, Derrunay Rondon, Sydney Bartley
Provide a strong foundation in Spanish at Caribbean lower secondary level in preparation for the CSEC (R) examination.- Progress forward...
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Six Shakespeare Stories BY L. Garfield
One of a series which offers classic and contemporary fiction for schools to suit a range of ages and tastes...
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Expo 3 Rouge Pupil Book BY G. Ramage and J. Meier
The books develop pupils' use and understanding of French by providing straightforward explanations of the way the language works, alongside...
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A Explorar: Student's Book Level 2 BY S. Broom and C. Moonsammy
$199.00 $179.00
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Agricultural Science for the Caribbean Book 1, BY R.Persad
Agricultural Science for the Caribbean is a well established and highly successful three-year course for lower Secondary schools. The emphasis...
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English Matters Workbook 1 BY J. Sander
English Matters is a comprehensive four-level series for Caribbean students, which provides thorough preparation for lower secondary and CSEC® examinations.Student’s Books 1-3...
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English Matters Student's Book 2 BY J. Sander
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English Matters is a comprehensive four-level series for Caribbean students, which provides thorough preparation for lower secondary and CSEC® examinations.Student’s Books 1-3...
Essential Student Texts: Animal Farm
Dreaming of a life of freedom and equality, the animals of Manor Farm stage an uprising against their negligent human...
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Maths Matters Workbook 1 BY R. Solomon, G. Buckwell
Maths Matters is a comprehensive four-level series for Caribbean students, which provides a thorough preparation for lower secondary and CSEC®....
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Oxford Mathematics for the Caribbean, Workbook 3, 6ed BY Goldberg, Cameron-Edwards
Oxford Mathematics for the Caribbean Skills Workbook 3 has been revised and updated to address the demands of syllabuses across...
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Tricolore Student Book 3, 5ed Mascie-Taylor, Heather; Spencer, Michael; Honnor, Sylvia
Combining a tried and trusted methodology with fresh new content, Tricolore 5e edition teaches essential language skills while developing independent...
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Growing with English Book 1 BY Royards
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Agricultural Science for the Caribbean 2, Persad, Ralph
Agricultural Science for the Caribbean is a well established and highly successful three-year course for lower Secondary schools. The emphasis...
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Mission Français Pupil Book 2, BY M.Bougard, G.Pye
Discover how learning French can be fun and rewarding with Mission: français Pupil Book 2. •Provide clear differentiation for all...
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Carlong Caribbean Drama BY K.Noel
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