Vocablos Y Modismos, 2e BY D.L. Doodnath, J.A.Ovid
Vocablos y Modismos, 2e has been revised for use in Secondary Schools and is the ideal learning resource for Caribbean students preparing for examinations at the CSEC level. It presents a thematic approach to vocabulary learning that supplements coverage of relevant grammar, in a structure conducive to integrating content areas and helping students make connections across topics. It reflects an emphasis on functional communication, exposing students to highly contextualized foreign language concepts incorporated into a theme. This book also features vivid illustrations, cultural references and an updated lexicon to include highly relevant, technology-related vocabulary which makes it an integral resource for today’s Caribbean Spanish student.
Book Title | Vocablos Y Modismos, 2e BY D.L. Doodnath, J.A.Ovid |
Type | Textbooks - Primary - Modern Languages - Spanish |
ISBN | 9789766130718 |
Vocablos y Modismos, 2e has been revised for use in Secondary Schools and is the ideal learning resource for Caribbean students preparing for examinations at the CSEC level. It presents a thematic approach to vocabulary learning that supplements coverage of relevant grammar, in a structure conducive to integrating content areas and helping students make connections across topics. It reflects an emphasis on functional communication, exposing students to highly contextualized foreign language concepts incorporated into a theme. This book also features vivid illustrations, cultural references and an updated lexicon to include highly relevant, technology-related vocabulary which makes it an integral resource for today’s Caribbean Spanish student.