Nelson Thornes Shakespeare for CSEC, Julius Caesar, BY Jurksaitis, Dinah; Baker, Thelma, Jonas, Joyce; Beal, Duncan

Nelson Thornes Shakespeare for CSEC, Julius Caesar, BY Jurksaitis, Dinah; Baker, Thelma, Jonas, Joyce; Beal, Duncan


This title is perfect for those studying Shakespeare at CSECRG. It provides the right balance for the study of language, imagery and theatrically, of character and context, enabling students to gain a clear understanding of the text and prepare for the exam. 

Book Title Nelson Thornes Shakespeare for CSEC, Julius Caesar, BY Jurksaitis, Dinah; Baker, Thelma, Jonas, Joyce; Beal, Duncan
Type Textbooks - Secondary (4-5) - English B
ISBN 9781408516720

This title is perfect for those studying Shakespeare at CSECRG. It provides the right balance for the study of language, imagery and theatrically, of character and context, enabling students to gain a clear understanding of the text and prepare for the exam. 
