Secondary School (Forms 4 - 5) / CSEC O'Level

Secondary School (Forms 4 - 5) / CSEC O'Level

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Comprehensive CXC French BY K. Simmonds, H. Simmonds
Comprehensive CXC French comprises a wide range of multiple-choice items requiring students to select responses in the target language to...
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Essential Revision Exercises for CSEC Spanish BY J. Kanhai-Winter, Ramcharitar, Sargent
Essential Revision Exercises for CSEC Spanish has been revised to adopt a skills approach to the foreign language experience. Teachers...
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Ça Y Est BY K. Simmonds, H. Simmonds
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Ça Y Est! is designed to provide practice in various aspects of reading and listening comprehension for second and third-year...
¿Cuál Es? Student's Book, 2nd Edition BY D.L. Doodnath, J.A. Ovid
¿Cuál Es? Student's Book, 2e is a revised edition aimed at supporting Secondary School students who are preparing for the...
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Dime Tanto Más Spanish for CSEC® Examinations 2ed Student's Book with Audio CD BY M. Lewis, Y. Nelson-Springer, E. Padmore, J. Allsopp
The Macmillan Dime series has been written specifically for Caribbean secondary schools by a team of experienced Spanish teachers. The course comprises Dime...
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French Grammar For CXC BY J. Kanhai Winter, Baksh
French Grammar for CXC Is intended primarily for students at the beginning and intermediate levels who are preparing for CXC,...
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Dime Tanto Más Spanish for CSEC® Examinations Workbook 4 with Audio CD BY S. Seetahal-Mohammed
Dime, Second Edition is a colourful and engaging course covering the regional practicalities of learning Spanish for a Latin American context....
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Spanish Grammar For Caribbean BY J. Kanhai Winter, Ramcharitar, Sargeant
Spanish Grammar for the Caribbean is intended primarily for students at the beginning and intermediate levels who are preparing for...
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¡Ya Sé! BY Luz Diaz
¡Ya Sé! is a new and comprehensive student workbook which encompasses the four basic skills of language learning: listening, speaking,...
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Vocablos Y Modismos, 2e BY D.L. Doodnath, J.A.Ovid
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Vocablos y Modismos, 2e has been revised for use in Secondary Schools and is the ideal learning resource for Caribbean...
Dime Tanto Más Spanish for CSEC® Examinations 2ed Student's Book with ONLINE AUDIO BY M. Lewis, Y. Nelson-Springer, E. Padmore, J. Allsopp
The Macmillan Dime series has been written specifically for Caribbean secondary schools by a team of experienced Spanish teachers. The course comprises Dime...
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Dime Tanto Más Spanish for CSEC® Examinations Workbook 4 with ONLINE AUDIO BY S. Seetahal-Mohammed
Dime, Second Edition is a colourful and engaging course covering the regional practicalities of learning Spanish for a Latin American context....
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Illustrated French Vocabulary BY J. Kanhai Winter
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Essential Revision Exercises For CSEC French BY K. Simmonds, H. Simmonds
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Essential Revision Exercises for CSEC includes topics which range in areas of composition, letter and dialogue writing. This text also...
Understanding Poetry for CSEC
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