Oxford Student's Dictionary, Paperback, BY Oxford Dictionaries

Oxford Student's Dictionary, Paperback, BY Oxford Dictionaries


Ideal for students preparing for exams, this new edition of the Student's Dictionary has been fully updated and revised. The exam supplement targets key grammar, spelling and punctuation issues that can cost marks in exams and provides tips and support to understand command words and exam technique.

Book Title Oxford Student's Dictionary, Paperback, BY Oxford Dictionaries
Type Reference Books - Dictionaries - English
ISBN 9780192742391

Ideal for students preparing for exams, this new edition of the Student's Dictionary has been fully updated and revised. The exam supplement targets key grammar, spelling and punctuation issues that can cost marks in exams and provides tips and support to understand command words and exam technique.


  • Clear design makes it easy to find the curriculum vocabulary from across all subjects, including Chemistry, Physics, Biology and more
  • Straightforward definitions are clear and easy to understand so students develop confidence with language
  • Includes a new supplement to boost exam success by helping with key grammar, punctuation and spelling issues
  • Supplement explains what the exam command words mean so that students understand the questions and can answer fully
  • The supplement includes tips on last-minute checks in an exam to save those valuable spelling, grammar and punctuation marks
